Emilia Bassano play’s actresses wearing María Belén jewelry

“Emilia is the untold story of Emilia Bassano, the first English-language poet of the Renaissance whose work was published at a time when women were forbidden to write, sing and simply decide and be themselves. Written by the English playwright Morgan Lloyd Malcolm and winner of the British Lawrence Olivier Award for Best Comedy and Entertainment in 2020, comes to Mexico thanks to the translation by Martha Herrera Lasso, the direction of Mariana Hartasánchez and the production of María Inés Olmedo, as well as a cast made up of women as diverse in terms of acting and ethnic environments as are Aída López, Amorita Rasgado and Lucía Uribe.”

– Magazine Dixpa

With the premiere of the play @emiliateatro, the actresses arrive for
@amoritarasgado y


Photo: iEve González @ievegonzalez
Makeup: Antonio Ruz @antonioruzbeautyartist
Asist. MUA: Nan GC @nangcmakeup
Hair: Salvatore OJ @salvatore.oj
Styling: Carlos Martínez @le_kirikoumartin2
Production: Roger SH @roger_sh

Claudia Arellano @@eloisegar31
Ikram Casas @@ikrxm.22
Andy González @a.gonzalez_g
Mago Reyes